Vignerons récoltants à saint-amour en bourgogne

The vineyard "Domaine du Moulin Berger"

A family story

Since 2014, the vineyard "Domaine du Moulin Berger" was taken over by the two brothers Cyril & Romain LAPLACE, succeeding their father now retired. Their mom is still in exploitation as secretary.


To this day, the vineyard includes approximately twenty hectares divided between Saint-Amour, Julienas, white Burgundy, Macon Chaintré and Beaujolais.

Geographic location

In Saint-Amour, Cyril and Romain Laplace farm a 18 hectare domain which their forefathers managed for 4 generations. Know-how and love of grapevines has enabled them to ensure wine with a constancy and quality which need no longer to be proven.

When passing through the region, they will do everything necessary to share their passion with you.


Harvested by hand, the whole grapes are placed in tanks and macerate there for approximately ten days. They are pressed, and the wine matures in oak tuns for 8 months. After bottling we market our wine throughout the world.